Beautification Committee

A small but dedicated group of volunteers make up Boscawen’s Beautification Committee led by John Keegan, Chair, include Beverly Drouin, Vice Chair, Nancy Towle, Leah Milano, and Ex-Officio member, Bill Bevans.  

The Harris Hill Roundabout continues to be the shining star to the 15,000 daily commuters that travel through Boscawen.  Volunteer Jeff Abbe continues to maintain the Roundabout’s irrigation, weeding and ongoing maintenance.  The 700+ bulbs planted in 2020, continue to bloom, starting the season with brilliant white, yellow and red. This past summer Colby Lumber graciously donated bark mulch to give the Roundabout a fresh look.

As you travel to Boscawen’s Municipal Complex this summer, take a moment to look at the rejuvenated and expanded garden outside the side entrance of the building, flowers around the flag pole and the base of the library sign, and the colorful potted plants in the containers in front of the Police Department.  All of these gardens bring color and life to otherwise drab areas of the Municipal Complex. 

Out front of Boscawen’s 1913 Library, at the intersection of Routes 3 and 4, is a hundred-year-old horse trough that comes to life every summer with a burst of colorful flowers.  As you travel down Route 4, be sure to slow down as you pass the Fire Department and notice the beautiful yellow flowers around the Smokey the Bear sign.  All of these projects completed by volunteers and donations.

Volunteers make it all happen in small communities like ours and the committee was successful in expanding the number of ‘Adopt a Spots’ throughout Boscawen.  We are thankful to these local ‘champions’ who volunteer their time to make it happen.  These ‘Champions’ include:

  • Harris Hill Roundabout gardens– Jeff Abbe and John Keegan
  • 1913 Library horse trough – Jeff Abbe
  • Historic Boscawen Sign at Church Park – Leah Milano
  • Fire Station whiskey barrel and garden - Chief Tim Kenney
  • Jaime Welch Park entrance whiskey barrel - Rick and Laura Swanson
  • Municipal Complex Main Entrance Garden– Nancy Towle and John Keegan
  • Police Station Whiskey Barrels – Nancy Towle
  • Municipal Complex Library Sign – Nancy Towle
  • Municipal Complex Gazebo & Flag Pole– Nancy Towle

Many of our ‘Adopt a Spots’ would not have been possible without the generous support of our local businesses that include Bartlett Tree Experts, Colby Lumber, Briar Hydro, Swenson Granite, Tom LeClair, Black Forest Garden Center and Nursery, and Murray Farms. 

In a small community like ours, small spots of beauty frame our community, instill a sense of pride and welcome visitors traveling through.  We are looking for your feedback and ideas, along with your financial support.  If you are a gardener, and want to volunteer, we would be thrilled to have you join us!

Mail your check payable to the ‘Town of Boscawen’ specifying Beautification Committee on the notation line and drop off or mail your check to the Town of Boscawen, 116 North Main Street, Boscawen, NH 03303.  Want to volunteer or have an idea? Email Kara Gallagher at the town office at 603-753-9188 ext. 2322 or email her at

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Kate Merrill Staff Contact (603) 753-9188 Ext. 2319
Kellee Jo Easler Planning Director (603)753-9188 Ext 2309
Kara Gallagher Planning Coordinator (603) 753-9188 Ext 2322
Ruth Ashby Planning Assistant (603) 753-1988 Ext 2321

Board Members

Name Title
Jenna Sanchez Member

Committee Members

NameTitleTerm Expires
John Keegan


November 2024

Beverly Drouin

Vice Chair & Recording Secretary

November 2026

Nancy Towle


November 2024

Leah Milano


September 2026

Jenna Sanchez


September 2027

